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識途教育作為九龍城區資深補習中心,我們有不同的試題庫,專門為學生提供補底或拔尖的中、英、數課程。大部份學生於報讀專科課程後,成績均會提升20-50%不等,成效卓著。過往小六學生升讀Band 1 中學率為90%。與此同時,我們亦有提供恆常的功課輔導班,每天為學生打好學習的基礎,除了確保能跟上學校的進度外更可讓老師於每日相處中,了解學生的性格及其強弱項,再循循善誘,給予關懷及指導。



As ancient Greek philosopher Plato once said, 'the direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life'. Study Journey Education strives to provide the right direction and encourage the growth and development of all students in school and community life.

At Study Journey Education, we know that learning is not one size fits all. Finding the study method that suits you is the best way to ensure improvement in your scores and overall academic achievement. When learning becomes fun, motivation grows, and good results are sure to follow.

Since our founding, our practical curriculum has helped hundreds of students get accepted to their dream secondary schools. We provide tailor-made courses that help your children achieve their goals.

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